Gérard Depardieu: More Alone Than Ever?

Gérard Depardieu taking refuge in Portugal?

The support for Gérard Depardieu, manifested by a column in Le Figaro at Christmas, is experiencing an unexpected reversal. Several signatories are expressing regrets, even retracting, in the face of the growing controversy.

The column, signed by 56 personalities, initially sparked a wave of support for the actor, diminishing consideration for victims of sexual assault. Among the signatories were Carole Bouquet, Yvan Attal, Nathalie Baye, and others. Their motivations varied, but the revelation that the text came from Yannis Ezziadi, considered close to the far right, was a turning point.

Jean-Claude Dreyfus and Patrice Leconte were among the first to publicly disassociate themselves. Dreyfus announced his decision on Facebook, while Leconte expressed his regrets on LCI, acknowledging that he had not been sufficiently informed.

Jacques Weber also withdrew his signature, citing a lack of consideration for victims of sexual violence. Nadine Trintignant also disassociated herself, apologizing for her "serious mistake".

Other personalities, such as Carole Bouquet and José Dayan, expressed their discomfort without fully retracting. Bouquet regretted on Instagram for having given visibility to a journalist with controversial ideas, and Dayan lamented his association with the initiator of the column.

Thus, reactions vary, ranging from complete retraction to simple discomfort. Some, like Yvan Attal and Gérard Darmon have tried to justify their signature, highlighting personal reasons or partial disagreement with the column.


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