The sequel to the 2019 film Joker, directed by Todd Phillips, is shaping up to be a major cinematic event. Presented at the CinemaCon convention in Las Vegas, this new work titled Joker: Folie à deux features Joaquin Phoenix and the eccentric Lady Gaga in the cast. The phenomenal success of the first installment seems to predict a bright future for this sequel, available in France on October 2nd.
The first part, known for having shaken up the codes of superhero films, had divided the audience with its dark and violent approach to the antagonist of Arthur Fleck. The film had even raised concerns about its potential to inspire real acts of violence.
The new production promises to make a break with a distinctive element: the music. Described as a musical by some, the film intends to use the soundtrack as the main narrative axis. The presence of Lady Gaga, a global pop icon, only reinforces this direction. The trailer reveals key moments, notably the meeting between the Joker and Harley Quinn in an asylum and their planned escape, all embellished with moonlit dance sequences.
The presentation of the film at the CinemaCon convention comes in a tense context, between the repercussions of the covid-19 pandemic and recent strikes in Hollywood. This release could mark a turning point for Warner Bros. The group hopes to replicate the financial success of Barbie and rekindle interest in cinema-going.