The French film studio Gaumont has revealed its project for a television series dedicated to Brigitte Macron, titled Brigitte, une femme libre (Brigitte, a Free Woman, in French). The series promises to trace the journey of the First Lady of France through six episodes of 45 minutes each.
Screenwriters Bénédicte Charles and Olivier Pouponneau, who have collaborated in the past on series such as J’ai menti (I Lied in French) and Mirage, are in charge of the script. They will explore the life of Brigitte Macron. From her beginnings as a teacher, her encounter with Emmanuel Macron, to their rise to the Élysée Palace.
The series is announced as a dive into the life of this figure omnipresent in the media, but rarely explored. Gaumont, an institution in cinema and television for over a century, is looking for a broadcaster for this ambitious project.
The production has not yet announced who will portray Brigitte Macron on screen, nor the expected release date. This project underscores the growing trend to adapt the lives of political figures into works of fiction. This genre seems to interest the international audience. To be continued…