The Demons of Wissam Ben Yedder, Former Footballer Addicted to Whiskey

Wissam Ben Yedder in a football stadium

The former striker for the French national team and AS Monaco, Wissam Ben Yedder, appeared before the Nice court on October 15, 2024, accused of sexual assault under the influence of alcohol. The events date back to the night of September 6 to 7, 2024. The prosecutor requested one year of imprisonment, accompanied by 18 months of probation. The victim, a young woman under the pseudonym Diana, shared a chilling testimony of that tumultuous night.

Whiskey, parking, and dubious behavior

One might say it was an evening like any other in Cap-d’Ail, not far from Monaco, except this time, Ben Yedder, comfortably seated in his nice car, decided to drink whiskey alone in a parking lot. It was there that he crossed paths with a group of young people and, oscillating between friendliness and aggression—thanks to the alcohol!—he ended up targeting a certain Diana, whom he convinced to get into his car. Out of fear, she allegedly complied.

The footballer, visibly quite intoxicated, drove her to the parking lot of his building, where he attempted to kiss her and engaged in obscene acts despite the victim’s protests. Fortunately, Diana managed to escape and alert the police. Subsequently, a blood alcohol level of 1.52 g/l was revealed by the authorities. A real nosedive for the former international player.

The player in defense: amnesia and apologies

In court, Ben Yedder played the "I don’t remember anything" card. According to him, alcohol is solely responsible for his presence in the defendant’s box. Between (rather conventional) apologies to the victim and her family, the former footballer also mentioned his battle against alcoholism. After a two-week express detoxification treatment and a few meetings with Alcoholics Anonymous, he hopes to convince others of his commitment to reform.

As for his defense, it played the classic card of the absence of tangible evidence, suggesting that Diana’s testimony would not suffice for a conviction. Maître Marie Roumiantseva, his lawyer, even highlighted the "difficult times" Ben Yedder is going through, with his career on hold since his contract with Monaco expired. Poor Wissam…

The future darkens for the ex-blue

Between public apologies and an announced return to the field (he still hopes), Wissam Ben Yedder’s situation seems as blurry as a hangover. Besides this sexual assault case, the former striker is also involved in a tax fraud case in Spain and will have to defend himself against accusations of psychological violence against his wife on December 27, 2024. A well-filled judicial agenda for a man with just 19 caps for the national team.

Some European clubs are still interested in a return in January 2025, but the legal troubles are likely to jeopardize his hopes of returning to the top. Meanwhile, the verdict is expected on November 12, 2024. Until that date, Wissam Ben Yedder remains free, but his future, both personal and professional, seems as uncertain as his memories of that infamous night of September 6.


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