The skin, this wonderful veil that envelops us, reflects our history and lifestyle. Over the years, it transforms: reduced firmness, the appearance of wrinkles, and diminished radiance. While time is relentless, daily actions can nevertheless preserve our youthful capital. They can make a real difference in the long term. In this article, we will explore these essential practices to keep radiant skin.
The Science Behind Our Skin
Understanding the basics of our skin is essential for taking effective care of it.
The skin, like all organs in our body, is subject to the action of time. Cells age and renew less and less. This phenomenon is genetic, and fighting against time is impossible. However, it is possible to preserve the youth and dynamism of the skin. To do this, it is necessary to identify and combat the factors that accentuate this aging.
To restore the skin to its former shape and plump it up, one must first understand its composition. The epidermis is the most superficial layer of our skin. It constantly regenerates and is waterproof. Beneath the epidermis lies the dermis. This layer gives the skin its shape and volume. Rich in collagen and elastin, it supports the skin’s structure. This underlying dermis, rich in fibers, gives the skin its resilience against the assaults of time.

The First Signs of Aging
The visible signs of aging generally appear in the thirties, marked by wrinkles. On the forehead, cheeks, or the corners of the eyes, these are often called "expression lines." They carry the memory of our emotions. Over the years, the skin loses firmness, becomes less dense, more fragile, and thinner. The facial and neck features relax. The complexion, less radiant, loses its luminosity.
The process of skin aging and the state of the skin microbiome are linked. The microbiome is a living ecosystem that contains millions of bacteria, both good and bad, for our body. It helps maintain our skin’s health by fighting external aggressions. It regulates beneficial bacteria through the use of probiotics. But a poor balance can accelerate the visible signs of aging.
Skin aging is also related to lifestyle and skin type. Pollution, sports, sleep, and diet can influence our skin throughout life. Good hygiene is essential to maintain beautiful skin. Sufficient antioxidant intake and good hydration increase our chances of achieving this.

Strategies for Youthful Skin
Deep Cleansing: A Natural Tip to Rejuvenate the Face
At the end of the day, it is important to cleanse the skin. The goal is to remove sweat, excess sebum, makeup, and accumulated dirt. The most effective way is to cleanse the face with a gentle cleanser. This must, of course, be suited to your skin type. The best: cleanse your face using your fingers. Indeed, a light massage of the skin offers several benefits. It provides deep cleansing and stimulates blood circulation. It also keeps the skin clean and invigorated.
A little reminder: makeup wipes are only for evenings or travel. They leave residues and prevent your fingers from touching your skin. Avoid them as much as possible…
A Balanced Diet
A healthy and balanced diet is an essential tool to help us have younger-looking skin. Industrial and processed foods should be banned from our habits. Products that are too fatty, too sugary, or too salty, alcohol, or coffee are considered oxidants. That is, they accelerate the skin aging process.
Conversely, some foods are antioxidants and combat oxidative stress responsible for premature aging. Ensure a daily intake of vitamins and minerals. Prioritize a diet rich in fatty acids and antioxidants. The ideal: colorful fruits, green vegetables, and fatty fish like salmon to strengthen the skin from within.
And above all! Do not forget hydration: at least 1.5 L of water per day to keep your skin healthy.

Restorative Sleep
Sleep is certainly the foundation of everything… Poor sleep disrupts the natural regeneration processes of the skin. Fatigue promotes the release of cortisol, the stress hormone. And this hormone is very bad. It can cause cravings leading to the consumption of fatty or sugary foods. It is therefore a vicious circle for the skin: poor sleep, poor diet… The skin is unable to repair itself at night.
It is then necessary to adopt a regular sleep schedule to promote recovery and aim for at least eight hours of sleep per night if possible. Quality sleep has multiple health benefits and allows the skin to regenerate. Like Paul Rudd, who doesn’t have a wrinkle at 55, who shared an anti-sagging tip… Sleep well… Not so tricky after all.
Be Careful with the Sun
Among the primary factors of premature skin aging, the sun is the enemy to watch out for. Ultraviolet rays damage skin cells and increase the risk of skin cancer. SPF 50 sunscreen is essential before stepping outside. And controlling sun exposure is just as important.
Apply it also on your neck, to preserve and naturally erase neck wrinkles.
Do like Nicole Kidman, who fears sunburn! Avoid the hours when the sun is strongest, that is, between 12 PM and 4 PM even in winter. And especially by the sea and in the mountains, where reflection amplifies the effects of ultraviolet rays.
It is also necessary to wear good quality sunglasses. They protect our eyes and the contours, a very thin area, quickly affected by skin aging. At the same time, wear covering clothes and do not skip hats or caps. Easy to say, but essential… Make it a daily habit!

Regular Exercise
Exercising brings only benefits to our body and skin. It is one of the most effective ways to oxygenate the skin. It improves vascularization, essential for an even and luminous complexion. Sports will give us a sense of well-being, improve sleep quality, and reduce stress levels.
Moreover, practicing a sport relieves tension and helps fight the effects of stress. A virtuous circle this time. Exercising is essential for a younger body and more radiant skin… Provided we protect ourselves from the sun if we practice it outdoors. A certain Britney Spears is even a fitness enthusiast, and sports pay her back: her skin is still as radiant as in her thirties!

Emotional Well-being and Relaxation
Another enemy of the epidermis: stress. It disrupts the natural balance of the skin. To keep beautiful skin, it is better to avoid it, so let’s take time to relax. Let’s give ourselves well-being breaks, breathe and relax. Find an anti-stress activity that suits us; from yoga to running, through meditation or manual activities. Also, preserve our disconnection spaces as much as possible, by turning off the phone, for example.
To avoid stress, let’s be happy. Cultivate a positive mindset and laugh! Laughter is the simplest way to combat stress, relax wrinkles, and enhance the skin. It is clearly the natural tip to rejuvenate the face.
Facial Self-Massage
The facial muscles are the only muscles that directly move our skin. Each movement reshapes our skin. But, over time, cells accumulate constraints. They deform and have difficulty returning to their original shape.
With age, the collagen produced by our cells hardens. Movements then become fixed on our skin, and it loses resilience. [Marine collagen is a great ally to restore firmness and elasticity to your skin, ed.]
To soften and relax the facial muscles, we can perform deep massages. Facial gymnastics activates microcirculation, which brings all the necessary nutrients to the life of our skin and its reconstruction. It will contribute to collagen production and increase its quality. We can use our fingers or a guasha, ideal for a Japanese facial massage.
For the less skilled, opt for a treatment in an institute with the kobido facial massage method.

Quit Smoking
Like the sun, tobacco is a significant factor contributing to premature skin aging. It promotes the appearance of wrinkles more quickly because it degrades the elastic fibers of the epidermis. Cigarettes make our complexion duller and more uneven. Moreover, the smoke that settles on your face deposits hundreds of bacteria.
Cosmetic Solutions and Supplements
Anti-Aging Creams
To avoid premature skin aging, it is necessary to think about hydration. Indeed, between 25 and 30 years old, small expression lines can appear due to dehydration. This is why first wrinkle creams or anti-aging creams are useful. They are generally full of moisturizing agents like hyaluronic acid. The role of the latter is to hydrate the skin to make it smooth again. Many stars, such as Kate Moss or Bella Hadid, swear by this single treatment.
But be careful, do not rush to the first creams you find. The skin’s needs are different depending on age groups. It is important to find the best anti-aging cream for your skin type.
Applying an anti-aging cream when you are 30 years old may not be a good idea: too concentrated in active ingredients or too rich, it can cause the appearance of imperfections. In this case, start by adopting day creams, night creams, or eye contour creams. For better results, also integrate an anti-aging serum into your routine.
Dietary Supplements
Sometimes, anti-aging creams are not enough as they only act on the skin’s surface. So, dietary supplements can be valuable anti-aging allies. Consuming the right nutrients at the right time helps maintain radiant skin. This method has proven effective, as some stars like Kim Kardashian have tried and adopted it!
Skin aging results from various internal processes in the body. Among them, cell oxidation, oxidative stress, or lack of water. Therefore, to keep the skin young, it is important to have a sufficient intake of nutrients. Dietary supplements concentrate interesting active ingredients. They are an excellent solution to fight skin aging.
To stay young, the skin needs antioxidant molecules. For example, vitamins C and E, essential fatty acids, and toning active ingredients. Some active ingredients also stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, which can be interesting.
But, it is important to choose an anti-aging or firming dietary supplement carefully. Favor natural ingredients and those from organic farming. Chemical ingredients are an additional factor of aggression for cells, especially the skin.

Each step of this skincare routine is a building block for youth. By being conscientious and dedicated in our daily approach, we can have younger and healthier skin. This reflects our commitment to a balanced and harmonious lifestyle. Take care of yourself, shine every day!