Carla Bruni-Sarkozy recently spoke about her battle with breast cancer, diagnosed in 2019. Five months after revealing her illness, the former first lady of France began an awareness campaign.
The former top model and singer organized meetings with specialists, such as a "question and answer" session with oncologist Yvan Coscas, to enlighten women on the subject. This approach is the start of a series of initiatives she plans to renew.
She highlights her treatment journey – surgery, radiotherapy, hormone therapy – and encourages women not to neglect examinations. Carla Bruni, whose cancer was detected at a non-aggressive stage thanks to these regular checks, sends a clear and powerful message: annual mammograms can save lives.
Beyond these recommendations, she shares her experience with hormone therapy and opens up about the challenges and side effects of this treatment. Carla Bruni-Sarkozy advocates for a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, intermittent fasting, yoga, and acupuncture, to improve treatment tolerance.